If you think a rice cooker is silly -
"Julie Bove" wrote:
>"dsi1" wrote:
>>Julie Bove wrote:
>>> We eat rice but I never considered a cooker. Just have no room for such
>>> devices.
>> My guess is that you eat rice infrequently and don't cook rice several
>> times a day every single day.
>Indeed! Mostly only when sick. I made Spanish or Mexican rice maybe once a
>month. That's pretty much about it.
A five pound bag of rice lasts me more than a year.
The ONLY reason people eat a lot of rice is either because they are
very poor or very cheap *******s, rice is the least expensive stomach
stuffer there is. I can't comprehend why these pinheads are bragging
that they feed their family rice by the ton, they should be
embarrassed... CHEAPO *******S!!! In fact I rarely cook more than one
cup of rice and still have left overs... I put it out for the birds,
even the birds won't eat that POW crap.