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Bryan-TGWWW Bryan-TGWWW is offline
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Posts: 2,867
Default the curse is broken ... or at least temporarily suspended

On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 11:05:17 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> On Monday, October 21, 2013 9:18:32 PM UTC-7, Sqwertz wrote:
> > On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 18:57:00 -0700 (PDT),

> >

> >

> >

> > > The English muffin is neither English, nor a muffin.

> >

> > > Discuss.

> >

> >

> >

> > I think "Discuss" is pretty much one of the rudest word you can say on

> > polite Usenet. Especially when it's proceeded by such obvious troll

> > bait by a regular.

> >

> > This is not an essay test nor is it a way to get your condescending

> > jollies off on what we make of the rest of the thread as if we're your

> > students.

> >

> You don't remember Cawfee Tawk, with Linda Richman? Have you heard of Saturday
> Night Live?
> Linda would frequently become overwhelmed, and would ask the audience to tawk among themselves. From wikip:
> "The Partridge Family were neither partridges, nor a family. Discuss."
> "Milli Vanilli is neither a Milli or a Vanilli. Discuss."
> "Palmolive – it's neither palm, nor olive. Discuss."
> "Grape-Nuts – it contains neither grapes, nor nuts. Discuss."
> "The Civil War was neither civil nor a war. Discuss."
> "The radical reconstruction of the South after the Civil War was neither radical nor a reconstruction. Discuss."
> "The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire. Discuss." (This quote is based on a famous comment by Voltaire.)
> "The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss."
> "Ralph Fiennes is spelled neither rafe nor fines. Discuss."
> "Duran Duran is neither a Duran nor a Duran. Discuss."
> "Rhode Island is neither a road nor is it an island. Discuss."
> "The Thighmaster is neither a thigh nor a master. Discuss."
> "The Progressive Era was neither progressive nor an era. Discuss."
> "Did Truman drop the bomb on the Japanese to end the war or to scare the hell out of the Russians? Discuss."
> "The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is neither Mormon nor a tabernacle nor a choir. Discuss."
> "The New Deal was neither new nor was it a deal. Discuss."
> "The chickpea is neither a chick nor a pea. Discuss."
> "Transitional Romanesque architecture was neither transitional nor Romanesque. Discuss."
> "The internal combustion engine was neither internal nor combustion. Discuss."
> "The jelly bean is neither made of jelly nor is it a bean. Discuss."
> "The Italian neo realist movement in film was neither Italian nor neo nor particuarly a movement. Discuss"
> >

> > ObFood: Ham and racelette cheese, microwaved (1:00@50%), then slapped

> > on cheap fluffy White bread with Dijon mustard and Heinz mayo.


Sweet peas are not sweet, and they don't produce peas.

--Bryan sex+ O|O