Halloween dinner?
On Saturday, October 26, 2013 4:56:38 AM UTC-5, Julie Bove wrote:
> Do you make anything special for Halloween dinner? I once heard a woman
> talking about how she made spaghetti and meatballs every year for Halloween.
> And the way she said it, she made it sound like it was something spooky. I
> didn't quite get it!
> I always see those cutesy things in magazines for kids. I think I did
> something like that once but my daughter wasn't much into cutesy food.
> I tend to make something that is quick to fix and can be eaten pretty much
> at room temp or with the hands. Like a sandwich because... Those darned
> Trick Or Treaters tend to come right at dinner time and it can be difficult
> to eat while running back and forth to the door.
> I haven't decided yet what I will make. Maybe pizza. Daughter won't eat
> pizza but I have some prebaked crusts. Perhaps she can have a plain crust
> with some hummus or something.
> Anyone else got any plans?
No. I do not define my life through silly costume parties based on heretic customs. The neighborhood kids come "trick or treating" I do not turn on the lights as I do not want the little beggars stumbling about on my property for a friggin' Snickers bar. I don't think the retards that make up fake "graves" (complete with blood, abortioned embyoes, and reaching from the grave limbs!) are in good taste, so yeah, the Sheldon troll and a bunch of idiots hanging out here have no life. Oh wait, I think I will go as Julie's husband. That should only entail being a fat-ass know-nothing with a pension. And the most delicate Miss Julie should be allergic. What a ****ing scam. You ****ing pig.