OT Gout
On 10/31/13 8:40 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2013 01:00:27 -0400, Goomba >
> wrote:
>> Anyone who says he's had a liver transplant needs to refer his med
>> questions to his doctor. Too many reasons why to bother listing.
>> Goomba -a critical care nurse
> Yes, and then go another couple of steps There are many wonderful
> people in the medical profession. Smart and caring as they are, they
> don't know everything so it is good to do some research on your own. I
> speak from first hand experience.
Getting medical advice on a cooking site is worth about as much as you
paid for it.
Nothing wrong with using established reputable resources online and
doing your own research. RFC ain't necessarily one of them.