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OT Gout
> wrote in message
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2013 08:40:24 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>On Thu, 31 Oct 2013 01:00:27 -0400, Goomba >
>>>Anyone who says he's had a liver transplant needs to refer his med
>>>questions to his doctor. Too many reasons why to bother listing.
>>>Goomba -a critical care nurse
>>Yes, and then go another couple of steps There are many wonderful
>>people in the medical profession. Smart and caring as they are, they
>>don't know everything so it is good to do some research on your own. I
>>speak from first hand experience.
> I timidly asked my doc if I could try Imitrex for my migraines when it
> first came out - he gladly looked it up and gave me a prescription. I
> had thought he would be annoyed with me but he said no, it's not
> possible for family doctors to keep up with all the reading there is
> and the patient who suffers from something will be reading anything
> new on the subject, thus being better informed on one item.
Ours are like that too