OT Gout
On 2013-11-01, Janet Bostwick > wrote:
> I read all the info sheets and follow them to the letter. I don't ask
> friends, neighbors and newsgroups about what I should do.
> Call the doctor.
Your trust is touching, but I've learned the hard way that too many
doctors don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. I suffered
three such doctors in my bout with gout. One clueless pup had me
endure a totally pointless spinal tap to cover his inexperienced ass.
I had two heart specialist shrug their shoulders over my unrelated
high blood pressure episodes that were mimicking a heart attack. I
finally figured out on my own I was being over dosed a beta blocker BP
med. The number of times I've discovered the doctor claiming all
omnipotent knowledge is really a total moron are too numerous to
relate, here.