OT Gout
On 11/2/2013 11:39 AM, Janet wrote:
> And that's exactly what she did, twice, about 70 posts ago, when she
> posted
> "isn't that a question you should ask your Dr
> then
> "Anyone who says he's had a liver transplant needs to refer his med
> questions to his doctor. Too many reasons why to bother listing.
> Goomba -a critical care nurse"
> as you should recall, since you responded to that post.
I see you left out the condescending part though, where she took the OP
to task for even asking. But if you narrow down the question asked, it
does not need a doctor to answer. Other aspects of the situation perhaps
We should take such opportunities to help and educate rather than
reprimand. But hey, that is my opinion, you can think otherwise.