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Default "Sous vide" poached eggs

The recent sous-vide thread stimulates me to post this:

Mrs. Beitel and I spent a few delightful days in Kennebunkport, Maine this past week. The chef at the B&B we stayed at made what he called "sous vide" eggs for breakfast one morning (over a hash of fried potatoes and shallots). They were excellent, so I tried it myself this morning and they turned out equally well. Basically a cross between a soft-boiled egg and a poached egg without having to deal with the shell of the former or the wasted threads of white and typical lumpy shaping of the latter. I used Glad-Wrap, twist ties, olive oil and chopped chives and gave them five minutes in just simmering water, which resulted in firm whites and warm runny yolks and a nice "pumpkin-y" shape with the yolks centered nicely in the whites, outlined in herb bits. This is now going to be my go-to method for poached eggs.

Quite simple, as this short video illustrates. (And not really sous-vide, but who cares?)

Silvar Beitel