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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Natural Gas Stove 'Scum'?

"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> Ophelia wrote:
>>l not -l wrote:
>>>itsjoannotjoann wrote:
>>>> I've noticed when I use any of the sealed, electronic ignition burners
>>>> there's a brown 'scum' around the burner used. There's not been a
>>>> boil over and scum is the only way I know to term this hard brown
>>>> residue. It takes a dab of Soft Scrub with bleach to remove it and
>>>> tonight I had to use a LOT of elbow grease and still didn't get all of
>>>> it. What is this and is there and easier way to remove it??
>>> I bought an inexpensive, battery operated, electric toothbrush (Oral-B)
>>> to clean that spot. Apply a little Softscrub to the brush and let it
>>> supply the "elbow grease". I bought it at Big Lots! for a fraction of
>>> the price supermarkets and drugstores sell it for.

>>Hey have a large electric 'toothbrush' type thing made for the job!
>>Here it is:
>>and you can buy various heads to fit

> Various heads, huh... I bet you can... hehehe
> Ophelia, you never cease to amaze... and you're so cute!

