I'm making meatloaf tonight as soon as the meat thaws and I can grind
it, but the recent impossible cheeseburger pie has me thinking of an idea.
I loved the onions baked into the crust that the bisquik formed in the
impossible pie, so I was thinking about layering caramelized onions in
the bottom of the pan I'm cooking the meatloaf in and pouring a small
amount of batter in before laying in the formed meatloaf, but that
started not appealing to me. But the layer of onions does. So rather
than mix the onions into the meat mix, I'm going to layer the bottom of
the pan with onions as planned and skip the batter. If it works as I
think it will, when I remove the meatloaf from the pan it will have a
layer of cooked onion on the bottom ... or the top if I flip it.
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