Food Processor for Turning Coconut Slices Into Powder
I purchased a Cuisinart Prep9 (DLC-2009) food processor, which works fine
for most applications. But I also want the processor to be able to take
coconut flakes and turn those into the smallest possible particles. I'm
using this to make my own coconut milk, and I want the coconut meat to be
ground so finely that I don't need to strain it out of the milk. Not only
does that save enormous time in preparation of the milk, but much of the
nutritional value is in the coconut meat. So finding a tolerable way to
leave that in a creamy coconut blend is desirable. What I would like to
know is which food processors have adjustable - or alternate - blades that
would let me get the finest possible shred of the dry coconut flakes.
One processor I identified is Cuisinar FP-14, which advertises the ability
to adjust the blade from coarse to very fine, in six increments. I assume
there are other similar products, and hopefully someone here with a similar
application can reflect on which ones excel in this area.