> > I loved the onions baked into the crust that the bisquik formed in the
> > impossible pie, so I was thinking about layering caramelized onions in
> > the bottom of the pan I'm cooking the meatloaf in and pouring a small
> > amount of batter in before laying in the formed meatloaf, but that
> > started not appealing to me. But the layer of onions does. So rather
> > than mix the onions into the meat mix, I'm going to layer the bottom of
> > the pan with onions as planned and skip the batter. If it works as I
> > think it will, when I remove the meatloaf from the pan it will have a
> > layer of cooked onion on the bottom ... or the top if I flip it.
> I'm to late to help you!
> But you were right that you can't *possibly* batter or enrobe the
> underside of a meatloaf.
Battering the bottom of a meatloaf would never work, as the juices would leave the meat as it cooked and whatever batter crust you did get would be greasy and not very edible.