Thread: Ezell's Chicken
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tert in seattle tert in seattle is offline
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Default Ezell's Chicken

Alan wrote:
> "Julie Bove" wrote in message ...
> I got this for lunch/dinner. Because of all the time I spent at the
> hospital over the weekend, I was unable to do any grocery shopping and there
> wasn't even time for me to stop what I was doing to heat up a Hormel entree
> for husband. He came home starving. I had to go get a prescription and a
> new Ezell's opened next door.
> Of course he was furious of the sh*t food that I brought back. Spicy
> chicken tenders, coleslaw, mac and cheese, BBQ beans, rolls and sweet potato
> pie. Everything on the menu is carb city. I did not see one thing that was
> not. I could not get any feedback from him on the taste of the food because
> he was so angry about it. Odd because this is usually the kind of food that
> he likes! And I did want to know about the taste because my parents said it
> was so horrible they wouldn't eat it again. Yet everyone else I know, raves
> about it.
> I did try the beans and was pleasantly surprised. I rarely like BBQ beans
> because they are too sweet and smoky tasting and have a super thick sauce.
> But they told that there was no meat in them. That could be why I like
> them. Although I do like bacon in beans. I really did like these but am
> sure they are loaded with carbs. The rolls look good too but I've no clue
> what is in them so won't try. Only other thing I saw on the menu that I
> might have been able to eat was corn on the cob but I had that last night
> and that is enough to hold me for the next 5 years or so. Nothing really
> against corn. Just not a fave.
> Daughter loved the food although she didn't try the chicken. It did look
> greasy. Probably won't be going there again unless I am in need of some
> beans and coleslaw and am on my way home from somewhere.
> Never heard of someone with such a visceral opinion of Ezell's. Personally,
> I love it, as do many people in the Seattle area. Regular or spicy(spicy is
> my choice). Also a favorite of Oprah. She would have it sent to her in
> Chicago.
> One small tip on buying retail fried chicken. When you place your order, ask
> them to make it from scratch. Otherwise, they will take what is already
> fried, and hiding under the heat lamps.
> Alan

This reminds me of a 100% true story from one of my literally hundreds of
visits to Harold's Chicken Shack in Chicago, the local chain with the
animated neon sign of a guy (must be Harold) wielding a hatchet & chasing
a chicken. This woman takes her order back to the bullet proof window
rotating thingy and says she wants a refund - because "these wings are
GREASY." She didn't say they're *too* greasy - just greasy. People started
smiling and looking at each other and then some guy said "man, you're at
the wrong place!" Then everyone burst out laughing. The woman didn't get
a refund.

My problem with Ezell's is it's not greasy enough but that's probably
because my baseline fried chicken is Harold's. And, they have some
freakishly large wings - not quite sure what that's all about.