Thread: Ezell's Chicken
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Ezell's Chicken

"tert in seattle" > wrote in message
> Alan wrote:
>> "Julie Bove" wrote in message ...
>> I got this for lunch/dinner. Because of all the time I spent at the
>> hospital over the weekend, I was unable to do any grocery shopping and
>> there
>> wasn't even time for me to stop what I was doing to heat up a Hormel
>> entree
>> for husband. He came home starving. I had to go get a prescription and
>> a
>> new Ezell's opened next door.
>> Of course he was furious of the sh*t food that I brought back. Spicy
>> chicken tenders, coleslaw, mac and cheese, BBQ beans, rolls and sweet
>> potato
>> pie. Everything on the menu is carb city. I did not see one thing that
>> was
>> not. I could not get any feedback from him on the taste of the food
>> because
>> he was so angry about it. Odd because this is usually the kind of food
>> that
>> he likes! And I did want to know about the taste because my parents said
>> it
>> was so horrible they wouldn't eat it again. Yet everyone else I know,
>> raves
>> about it.
>> I did try the beans and was pleasantly surprised. I rarely like BBQ
>> beans
>> because they are too sweet and smoky tasting and have a super thick
>> sauce.
>> But they told that there was no meat in them. That could be why I like
>> them. Although I do like bacon in beans. I really did like these but am
>> sure they are loaded with carbs. The rolls look good too but I've no
>> clue
>> what is in them so won't try. Only other thing I saw on the menu that I
>> might have been able to eat was corn on the cob but I had that last night
>> and that is enough to hold me for the next 5 years or so. Nothing really
>> against corn. Just not a fave.
>> Daughter loved the food although she didn't try the chicken. It did look
>> greasy. Probably won't be going there again unless I am in need of some
>> beans and coleslaw and am on my way home from somewhere.
>> Never heard of someone with such a visceral opinion of Ezell's.
>> Personally,
>> I love it, as do many people in the Seattle area. Regular or spicy(spicy
>> is
>> my choice). Also a favorite of Oprah. She would have it sent to her in
>> Chicago.
>> One small tip on buying retail fried chicken. When you place your order,
>> ask
>> them to make it from scratch. Otherwise, they will take what is already
>> fried, and hiding under the heat lamps.
>> Alan

> This reminds me of a 100% true story from one of my literally hundreds of
> visits to Harold's Chicken Shack in Chicago, the local chain with the
> animated neon sign of a guy (must be Harold) wielding a hatchet & chasing
> a chicken. This woman takes her order back to the bullet proof window
> rotating thingy and says she wants a refund - because "these wings are
> GREASY." She didn't say they're *too* greasy - just greasy. People
> started
> smiling and looking at each other and then some guy said "man, you're at
> the wrong place!" Then everyone burst out laughing. The woman didn't get
> a refund.
> My problem with Ezell's is it's not greasy enough but that's probably
> because my baseline fried chicken is Harold's. And, they have some
> freakishly large wings - not quite sure what that's all about.

Ha! That's funny! They put the strips in one of those paper containers in
a paper bag but there was so much grease that it soaked clear through the
container. The entire bottom of the paper bag was soaked and it was
starting to creep up the sides. I was also amazed at how little food there
was. Only six tiny pieces of chicken that seemed to be mostly breading.
They also listed the 3 piece as a serving. Perhaps for a toddler. Here I
thought I had enough food for two days. Nope! There's perhaps 1/2 a
serving of slaw left and 2 rolls. I did buy extra rolls because the claimed
to be so good.

And the mac and cheese didn't get eaten. Daughter said it was nasty. I had
asked her if she liked it before she had taken a bite of it. It did look
rather gluey.

I was also amazed at how much precooked chicken they had under the warming
tray. Put me right off!

I did pick up a menu and see that they do sandwiches and salads. I didn't
see those listed on the menu in the store. Perhaps I will get those next
time. If there is a next time. I did like the beans but... I paid about
$32 for a meal for two, with no drinks. I can do better than that at a full
service restaurant with drinks and good vegetables!