What are you cooking today - Nov 12
Kalmia wrote:
> I'm attempting bagels this morning. First problem-- I have no
> cornmeal in the house, so I whirled in my FP and then sifted some
> oatmeal as a substitute. I hope it doesn't make much difference.
I'm going to fix some antipasto and first course for my GF this evening:
antipasto will be chizze reggiane, just puff-pastry topped with grated
reggiano then folded and baked, then the first course will be rice with
spinach and grana (riso spinaci e grand): start cooking the rice aiming at
draining it at the end as if it was a pasta. Meanwhile quickly boil a
handful of spinach, drain them and put them in a large pan, dress them with
butter and a lot of grated grana (padano, parmigiano reggiano, trentino...).
When the rice is ready, drain it and put it with the spinach, stir it softly
and serve along with more grated reggiano at the table. All will be served
with a white brut sparkler from the Marche region.
I can hear a nice tuesday evening coming up
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin