Best sausages in town!
On Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:48:46 -0800, gtr > wrote:
>On 2013-11-12 20:23:16 +0000, Timo said:
>> Our other German butcher has Nuremberg brats. Not bought directly from
>> there, but we get them, hot, from the market sausage grill. Very good.
>They've got to be grilled over beechwood!
>> It can't hurt to try the Polish deli, but I'd be surprised if they have
>> them. But they should have something good enough to make the trip
>> worthwhile.
>> They have German-style street sausage grills in Sweden. Unfortunately,
>> they don't use good sausages. Bleh!
>I find that when places don't have my favorite sausage, I can switch
>very quickly.
It's not possible to get the "best" sausage anywhere except those you
make your self with meat you grind yourself... it's dumb to argue
about which store makes the best sausage, none do, NONE!