Ceylon FPEK?
I would have guessed that over the decades I would have seen a CTC
Ceylon first in a commercial brand. You see CTC all the time in
Indian teas but that process I haven't seen in other tea producing
countries which still use sieving. Hopefully our resident tea
industry expert can shed some light on this subject. Ceylon has the
same problem as India with Darjeeling. There is a Ceylon trademark
making it authentic. Otherwise just shipped and packaged in Ceylon.
So I went to my favorite Arabic market and they no longer carry my
tasty commercial Ceylon. New young owners bought the business of the
old owner and they understand me better. But I did get my first
Iranian tea called Nemooneh. It says Produced and Packaged in Iran so
I guess that means homegrown at the outrageous price of $4.50/500g. I
picked up some goat for a curry and injera bread for sopping up the
Hamilcar Barca > wrote in message >.. .
> In article > (Fri, 30 Jul
> 2004 08:30:50 -0700), Space Cowboy wrote:
> > The Ceylon grades are mostly BOP, FBOP, OP. I've never seen any that
> > looked like CTC.
> Upton is advertising a Ceylon CTC.
> > I recently got a FBOPF where the leaf looks like a long extremely thin half
> > white half black twist making a very sexy leaf.
> That's some hot tea!