Ceylon FPEK?
There is a small amount of CTC production in Sri Lanka/Ceylon. I
believe I've read that about 6 per cent is CTC. But a huge
amount of the "orthodox" black tea is made into small particles,
i.e. BOP, BOPF and Dust, by the Rotorvane process.
"Space Cowboy" > skrev i melding
> I would have guessed that over the decades I would have seen a
> Ceylon first in a commercial brand. You see CTC all the time
> Indian teas but that process I haven't seen in other tea
> countries which still use sieving. Hopefully our resident tea
> industry expert can shed some light on this subject. Ceylon
has the
> same problem as India with Darjeeling. There is a Ceylon
> making it authentic. Otherwise just shipped and packaged in
> So I went to my favorite Arabic market and they no longer
carry my
> tasty commercial Ceylon. New young owners bought the business
of the
> old owner and they understand me better. But I did get my
> Iranian tea called Nemooneh. It says Produced and Packaged in
Iran so
> I guess that means homegrown at the outrageous price of
$4.50/500g. I
> picked up some goat for a curry and injera bread for sopping
up the
> stew.
> Jim
> Hamilcar Barca > wrote in message
>.. .
> > In article >
(Fri, 30 Jul
> > 2004 08:30:50 -0700), Space Cowboy wrote:
> >
> > > The Ceylon grades are mostly BOP, FBOP, OP. I've never
seen any that
> > > looked like CTC.
> >
> > Upton is advertising a Ceylon CTC.
> >
> > > I recently got a FBOPF where the leaf looks like a long
extremely thin half
> > > white half black twist making a very sexy leaf.
> >
> > That's some hot tea!