Thread: Ezell's Chicken
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Ezell's Chicken

"Malcom "Mal" Reynolds" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> "Malcom "Mal" Reynolds" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > In article >,
>> > "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> >
>> >> > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >>
>> >> > I'm sorry your abusive husband and piece of shit kid didn't like the
>> >> > food.
>> >> > Tell them to feed themselves. Why are you people so WEIRD????
>> >>
>> >> Husband can't get up and walk around and you can refrain from calling
>> >> my
>> >> child names!
>> >
>> > if your husband can't get up and walk around, how does he get out of
>> > the
>> > house so that he can come back mad

>> He is going to work where he sits. But at home he is supposed to rest.

> can't he sit while he operates a microwave?

And then what? You would expect him to eat the soup right there in front of
the microwave? My point is that he would be unable to carry a hot bowl or
mug of anything from there to his recliner where he would eat it. We have a
very small kitchen and no table in it.

He could carry something packaged up with a lid on it or in a bag.