Best sausages in town!
On 2013-11-14 00:58:54 +0000, dsi1 said:
> On 11/13/2013 1:38 PM, gtr wrote:
>> And then you put it on a bun and eat it with some mustard? I've used
>> chorizo in cooking, but never used it the way I do other sausages.
> Boy that would be great! I usually cut in in half and then slice it
> lengthwise and fry it. I may have even put it in a bun. These days, I'd
> probably eat it with kimchee with no rice.
For any passersby, after reviewing the wiki page note that much chorizo
(most of that I found around SoCal) is uncooked meat. It is more or
less made to be busted up and cooked into something like a fresh-meat
cake of some kind, notable for it's spicing.
I feel sure I've had spanish chorizo, in neatly cooked slices of cured
meat. But before the idle skimmer puts one in a bun and pretends it a
street-vurst--read the label!