Thread: Duck Tartare
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Default Duck Tartare

Jeff Russell wrote:
> I have tried google.

Why weren't there any recipes there? Ya wonder?

> And as for it being disgusting,,, how can I say this?
> **** YOU!

OH! Now everybody is going to just jump up and help your sorry ass, dontcha
> It is not desperation that prods me to ask the question but intellectual
> curiosity.
> Something I have found sorely lacking in all the responses I've received.
> I suppose no one here has a duck breast seared rare?

Did you EVER wonder why there are no recipes? Why everyone thought that you
were a TROLL?

Maybe it's because it's a bad idea to eat raw duck (or rare, too?)?

Try it, and if you live, report back and tell everybody "Nya, Nya, Nya! Raw
duck is good!"

OH, and stop your illiterate top-posting, dip-shit!

> "Katra" > wrote in message
> ...
>> In article <IMQOc.187810$a24.119275@attbi_s03>,
>> "Jeff Russell" > wrote:
>>> Many odd responses to a sincere question. Oh well, I'll look elsewhere.

>> Duck is not eaten raw.
>> It just is not done....
>> Try Google if you are that desparate for something so disgusting. :-P
>> Or just find a recipe for steak tartar and substitute fresh ground duck.
>> K.
>> --
>> Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>>> ,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,<


> id=katra