Thread: Thickeners -
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Bob Pastorio
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Default Thickeners -

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> Bob Pastorio > wrote:
>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>How do the thickening powers of, say, cornstarch, arrowroot, and flour
>>>differ? Not what the outcome looks like or how it keeps, but how they
>>>relate in thickening power. I.e., if it takes 1 tbsp of flour to
>>>thicken x amount of liquid, it will take how much arrowroot to produce
>>>the same thickness in the same amount of liquid?

>>flour (as roux)= 2 tablespoons to 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups liquid
>>potato starch= 1 tablespoon per cup liquid
>>tapioca starch= 1 tablespoon per cup liquid
>>cornstarch= 1 tablespoon to 1 1/2 to 2 cups liquid
>>arrowroot= 1 tablespoon to 2 cups liquid
>>They don't all have the same effects. Potato starch will be more
>>opaque than the rest, but it will thin out with boiling. Tapioca
>>starch will become stringy if not handled properly. Arrowroot will be
>>the shiniest.

> So, Bob, what would be your recommendation to me for thickening the
> gravy? Forget the potato starch and the tapioca. I'm thinking I'd
> like to give the arrowroot a shot. Any remarks or opinions about one of
> the ClearJel products?

Arrowroot will give you a clear, shiny gravy that some people find
offputting. They're more used to an opaque gravy. You can get the same
sort of results by using milk or cream to make the slurry.

ClearJel products are good. Either the instant or regular will work
well. Read the handling instructions on the package. For that matter,
Therm-Flo starch will do as well and also let you freeze the gravy and
not have it break when thawed.
