New Diet?
On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:43:46 PM UTC-6, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/19/2013 11:06 AM, Nanzi wrote:
> > My hubby of 47 1/2 years has just survived a very serious heart episode.. I know he will be on a cardiac diet, but I don't know much about them. I can look it up, and I'm sure we will come home with literature.....I am looking to hear that it isn't going to taste like cardboard to eat for the rest of our lives!!
> >
> > Anyone on this forum on one of these??
> >
> > nan in de
> >
> Good luck with recovery.
> First, you really don't have to eliminate anything, but you do have to
> practice moderation with some foods.
> I see others recommending a dietician. Some are good, others have no
> common sense. I attended a couple of heart targeted meetings with my
> wife.
> Dietician: Don't drink milkshakes
> ME: Is milk OK
> D: Yes
> ME: How about small servings of ice cream?
> D: Yes
> D: Don't eat sausage.
> ME: Is ground pork OK if it is lean? (I make my own sausage)
> D: Yes.
> ME: But home made sausage?
> D: No
Most dieticians are worse than useless. They push low fat bullshit on
nearly everybody. They tell people to restrict salt even if the person has
no problems with salt. They recommend eating worthless starches. I laugh at all the clowns who have wasted decades of their lives following dietary advice that reduced pleasure w/o really impacting health. Egg substitute and skim milk isn't living, it's existing.
--Bryan sex+