New Diet?
On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:33:17 PM UTC-5, sf wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Nov 2013 08:06:46 -0800 (PST), Nanzi >
> wrote:
> > My hubby of 47 1/2 years has just survived a very serious heart episode.. I know he will be on a cardiac diet, but I don't know much about them. I can look it up, and I'm sure we will come home with literature.....I am looking to hear that it isn't going to taste like cardboard to eat for the rest of our lives!!
> >
> > Anyone on this forum on one of these??
> >
> Sorry to hear it! My best advice is to take the class(es) your Dr
> recommends. You'll be surprised at how much you already cook that
> will be just what the Dr ordered and have some minor adjustments in
> other areas. It won't be as bad as you think!
> My hubby ate whatever he wanted (like ice cream every night): fats,
> carbs and was never fat - so he thought he was fit. In any case, he
> had stents and his Dr recommended a low fat diet afterward. Like a
> lot of men, hubby went overboard and kept up the super low fat thing
> for years. Then he finally went to the recommended nutrition classes
> and is now following the guidelines about keeping carbs within certain
> range (he's keeping it light on the fats, but they are not
> nonexistent). He's doing great, feeling great and cheats on occasion
> - so he doesn't feel deprived. The best thing for his body is that
> he's exercising. He walks at least 4 days a week, minimum 4 miles
> most of the time, 6 and sometimes 9-10 on others.
> --
> Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
She really doesn't need advice from a land whale like you.