pop a popper for party poopers
On 11/22/2013 3:54 PM, sf wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:36:35 -0800, Mark Thorson >
> wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> I have someone in the family for whom a jalapeno appetizer like that
>>> wouldn't work (the jalapenos give him heartburn). However, I've made
>>> something similar where you wrap a piece of chicken with bacon and
>>> grill or broil until the chicken is cooked and the bacon is crispy.
>>> I've also discovered that good old Trader Joe's Sweet Chili Sauce is
>>> the perfect dipping sauce for it.
>> I would half-cook the bacon before wrapping
>> the chicken, otherwise too much fat will
>> come off the bacon, and the chicken will be
>> overcooked before the bacon is crispy.
> Agree and that's what I do, but I doubt most people do - in fact, I
> thought I was the only one.
>> Works with prawns too.
> My son wraps shrimp with raw bacon and cooks them on the bbq.
> Somehow, the bacon ends up crispy and the shrimp is not over cooked in
> the process. I'd probably end up with limp bacon and overcooked
> shrimp if I tried doing it that way.
Next best and lower fat alternative, wrap with prosciutto and baste with
olive oil.
>> I haven't tried it
>> with chunks of turkey breast, but the fat
>> from the bacon would help enrich that
>> seriously dry meat.
> Not a turkey fan, so I wouldn't even consider trying it. Once a year
> at Thanksgiving is enough for me.