Dishwasher detergent
On Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:49:10 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
> On 2013-11-24 2:24 PM, Cheri wrote:
> > "Gary" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> >> No kidding. Some parents never should have been. I know of many horror
> >> stories of young kids growing up in very bad environments. Many of
> >> those adult children fill our prison populations now. Some have gone
> >> on to be successful but many others are just messed up adults.
> >>
> >> G.
> >
> >
> > Then there are those that grow up in good environments and still go very
> > wrong.
> >
> Consider the numbers and the types of crimes. While there may be the
> occasional well bred and wealthy killer, far more of the killers have a
> disadvantaged background, little money, bad parents, bad neighbourhoods
> and bad choices. Seriously, look at class pictures of kids in preppy
> private schools and compare them with a class picture from an inner city
> school. Consider the odds of kids in those two pictures being convicted
> or or a victim of a violent crime.
Part of it has to do with how much money they have to spend on
lawyers. You need look no further than a current case that involves a
Kennedy relative, Michael Skakel. Yes, in spite of having the best
lawyer money could buy at the time - his new lawyer just got him
released from jail on bail by claiming his original lawyer didn't
represent him adequately. What a crock. He killed Martha Moxley and
it's as plain as the nose on your face.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.