Update: Electrical Problem (Kinda OT, maybe)
On 11/27/2013 8:42 AM, Gary wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> There's been a freezer in the garage since 1987 with no problems. Well,
>> not until that first freezer finally conked out a couple of years ago.
>> I really doubt the freezer is the issue.
> You *do* know how to properly reset a tripped breaker, don't you? Not
> to assume you don't know but some people don't. I'm just starting with
> the basics, just in case.
> As others said though, unplug everything then try to reset the
> breaker. If that works, then one at a time, slowly, plug things back
> in again.
> G.
Hey, I'm not an electrician. LOL But you're right.
I talked with the electrician early this morning. He had me unplug the
freezer and the breaker reset just fine. While on the phone with him I
plugged the freezer back in. It started right back up. Fortunately it
hadn't been off long enough for me to lose what food was left in it.
That guy said he thinks there wis something wrong with the freezer.
BUT... about an hour later his boss called me. I ran through it all
again. He doesn't think it's the freezer. It's either the electrical
outlet itself or something to do with the bathroom lights. He's leaning
towards the lights since they're original to the house. He suggested
after Thanksgiving I place another service call. They'll check the
outlet and then the wiring to the lights. He's betting the problem lies
with one of those, not the fact that I have a freezer in the garage.