Roast parsnips - how much oil?
On 2013-11-29 3:47 PM, Emrys Davies wrote:
> I am experimenting with the cooking of oven roasted parsnips and as you
> can imagine I have ample recipes from which to choose. I am doing well
> but one tiny thing is bothering me a little and that is that some
> recipes stipulate the use of only two or maybe three table spoons of oil
> or goose fat and that amount does not even cover the bottom of my
> roasting pan. My best result so far was with clarified butter and on
> that occasion the bottom of my pan was well and truly covered so am I
> right in believing that, whatever the recipe stipulates, you must always
> make sure that the pan is covered with oil or similar?
You need just enough oil for a film that will stop them from drying out
and sticking to the pan.