In article >, Gary > wrote:
> Janet wrote:
> >
> > In article >, says...
> >
> > > Sounds like a plan but yet, why not just deep fry the veggies and
> > > drain after cooking?
> >
> > Because not every one wants to eat their veg deepfried (saturated
> > with fat).
> >
> > > You're coating every nook and cranny all over with oil anyway. Where's
> > > the difference?
> >
> > The amount of fat absorbed by the vegetables.
> >
> > Janet UK
> Not necessarily true. If you heat up your oil enough, the escaping
> moisture will keep the oil from penetrating. This applies to deep
> fried turkey. It's why they aren't greasy.
> G.
Several reasons why I don't deep fry at home:
The mess
The fire risk
Dealing with the spent oil
C.J. Fuller
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