On Saturday, November 30, 2013 12:15:22 PM UTC-7, Ophelia wrote:
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> ...
> > What's even worse is the conditions these factory meat modules are raised
> > and live (?) out their miserable lives. Do animals really feel misery and
> > despair and regret? God I sure hope not or one day we'll all burn.
> I know my dog felt misery when she was ill. Despair and regret i will never
> know, but when I see animal's reactions to things, I realise they are not
> automatons with no feeling.
> http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/shop/
I don't know about their despair or regret but dogs certainly show
how miserable they feel when ill or injured. It is really tough
seeing your best friend suffering from cancer and have to take
him/her to a veterinarian to be put down. Better that than to see them suffer.