Use avast free antivirus for your PC & save Money
On 2013-12-03 9:56 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 12/3/2013 6:22 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>> Funny, I've been using Avast! for years, and never been SPAMMED by
>> them. Of course, theyr software does bug be all the time to sign up
>> for the for-pay version (I use the free version.)
>> John Kuthe...
> Right, they don't spam, but they are encouraging others to do it for
> them. I find that to be sleazy, unethical and an intrusion.
I started using Avast years ago. I did so on the advice of the computer
tech who cleaned 28 viruses and trojans from my system.... that was
supposed to be protected with Norton. I occasionally get notices
suggesting I should upgrade to the pay version. Recently I opted to go
the free Mcaffe AV software available from my service provider. I get
more offers to upgrade from them than I did from Avast.