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William R. Watt
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Default crushing fruit with a wine bottle

Good point about watching for glass chips. Although I think it unlikely
I will check the bottom of the bottle and if any glass is missing discard
the contents of the jelly bag instead of using it for jam. Wine should be
okay because no solids get into it.

I'll look for a potato masher but I would need one with a long enough
handle for the deep pot I'm using to simmer the fruit until it's soft
enough for mashing. I have two deep $1 aluminum, rummage sale pots.

Also going to look for one of those 3-legged jelly strainers now that I
know what they're for. I've seen them at sales before but did not know
their use.

For this season I sewed up a couple of jelly bags out of cutoff legs of
blue jeans - a folded over hem along the top for the string and a curved
seam at the bottom for a pointy drip end. The rest of the worn and holy
blue jeans became summer shorts.

William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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