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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default change of dinner plans

I was going to do chicken in a tikka masala simmer sauce for dinner
but it is so cold and snowy I'm thinking soup. I don't have enough
milk or half and half for corn & bacon chowder so I think I'll do
chicken tortilla soup instead. I've got everything for that. When
you toast the corn tortilla strips for the soup, do you toast them
totally crispy like potato chips or something less than that?

Then, to go with, I think I'll also do some biscuits with sharp
cheddar and hatch-type chilis in the dough.
Some sort of toddy before . . .
It's supposed to go to -2F tonight. That means I'll be wrestling
Baxter into and out of his coat every time he needs to go out. I'll
have to go with him with a flashlight. He's getting old enough that
his night vision isn't so good and he doesn't like to go into the
shadowy parts of the yard. I can relate to that. I worry that he
will slip on the deck when it is icy. His hind legs are getting bum
-- heck, so are mine.
I hope everyone has power to heat their home and is safe.
Janet US