On 12/7/2013 5:14 PM, Janet Bostwick wrote:
> I was going to do chicken in a tikka masala simmer sauce for dinner
> but it is so cold and snowy I'm thinking soup. I don't have enough
> milk or half and half for corn & bacon chowder so I think I'll do
> chicken tortilla soup instead. I've got everything for that. When
> you toast the corn tortilla strips for the soup, do you toast them
> totally crispy like potato chips or something less than that?
I believe they are supposed to be crispy.
> Then, to go with, I think I'll also do some biscuits with sharp
> cheddar and hatch-type chilis in the dough.
> Some sort of toddy before . . .
Sounds like a plan!
> It's supposed to go to -2F tonight. That means I'll be wrestling
> Baxter into and out of his coat every time he needs to go out. I'll
> have to go with him with a flashlight. He's getting old enough that
> his night vision isn't so good and he doesn't like to go into the
> shadowy parts of the yard. I can relate to that. I worry that he
> will slip on the deck when it is icy. His hind legs are getting bum
> -- heck, so are mine.
> I hope everyone has power to heat their home and is safe.
> Janet US
I feel for everyone who is getting hit with the freezing cold, much less
snowed in. I hope everyone has power.
I won't tell you what the temperature is here.