Bad polenta
Brooklyn1 > wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Dec 2013 20:01:59 -0500, Goomba >
> wrote:
>> On 12/7/13 1:31 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> Because next to the polenta was what they called beef stew. And I was
>>> told that it had sour cream in it. If if were goulash or strogonoff,
>>> wouldn't they have just called it that?
>> that's expecting a little sophistication from hospital cafeteria
>> workers. They probably saw it as stew and said "stew" but the dietitian
>> who planned the menu was thinking "goulash".
> Goulash is simply another name for stew. Hospital cafeteria food is a
> world apart from patient food... patient food is typically better. I
> can't imagine anyone dining at a hospital cafeteria except for reasons
> of the convenience of being a captive. At least stew is a baby step
> up from a dish with ground meat/mystery meat.
Goulash can be a soup. Can a stew be a soup.