Cooking again:) Birthday dinner.
On 12/7/2013 11:31 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 07 Dec 2013 08:52:23a, Ophelia told us...
>> Tomorrow is DH birthday and he has requested a chicken and
>> mushroom pie with cream sauce. He has also asked for a suet
>> pastry top! The chicken is roasted and cut up and tomorrow I
>> will do the rest. He has asked for sides of chips (fries) and
>> sweetcorn!
>> What would you request for your birthday dinner?
> That sounds really tasty, Ophelia!
> Me? If it were all made at home from scratch, it would be chicken
> fried steak, creamed corn, fresh green peas, mashede potatoes, and
> pecan pie for dessert.
> If I were "forced" to go to a restaurant, it would be a prarwn
> cocktail followed by a rib steak, baked potato with butter and
> chives, creamed spinach, and créme brulée.
Hi Wayne! LTNS!