Chuckle vid for all you rfc cat freaks ;)
On 2013-12-09, Nancy Young > wrote:
> I didn't say they were stupid.
No, but you imply it. I WILL say cats can be fatally stupid. A cat
will almost universally stop dead in the middle of the road, at night,
and wonder WTF are those two bright things bearing down on its ass at
25 mph. I can't count all the times I've had to stop or swerve to
avoid turning the neighborhood kittie into a frisbie (aka sailcat).
> I have seen video of a house cat chasing off a bear.
So, give us a link of a house cat actually fighing one.
> I don't know what that has to do with what I said. A 50 pound cat
> will kick a 50 pound dog's ass.
You know this, how? Are there now dog/cat utlimate fighting
championships I'm unaware of. Michael Vic has a stable of pit cats?
You are a trained biologist who knows cat muscle is somehow more
effective than dog muscle? What crap!
> There's a reason dogs call all its friends and hunt in packs if the
> game is bigger than they are.
It might be because they are not as dumb as you would have us believe.
I'd love to hear which cities have banned certain breeds of domestic
cats due to (near)fatal attacks on humans or statitics on how many
postal workers have been biten by house cats.