On 2013-12-09 22:40:34 +0000, Dave Smith said:
> On 2013-12-09 5:26 PM, sf wrote:
>>> What about pork? Pork is often a celebration dish in some parts of
>>> the world. A crown roast of pork can be mighty good,
>> I briefly considered it, but I don't cook pork roasts (unless it's a
>> butt)... ever. It's too easy to turn modern pork into shoe leather
>> and the fancy stuff is too expensive in that amount.
> I have not cooked a pork roast for many years. First of all, I agree
> about modern pork. When I was a kid I loved roast pork, but the stuff
> they sell these days is crap. I was reintroduced to pork when we
> visited with my niece when she was living in Estonia. She served it and
> commented that it was so much better than Canadian pork these days,
> that it was more like the stuff she remembered from her childhood. It
> was good. I since hooked up with the local Dutch butcher and his pork
> is excellent.
> The other reason is the leftovers. I usually make a curry with leftover
> lamb, and I have no problem finding ways to eat leftover beef. I have
> never found any recipes for leftover roast pork that I would want to
> buy a roast, knowing there will be leftovers.
> And... it is not a good roast unless it is big.
> BTW... I know I am not supposed to eat crackling, but does anyone sell
> roast pork with the crackling?
> As for ham... I eat it when it is served to me, and about once every
> month or two I get some sliced ham for sandwiches. In the 40 years that
> we have been married I have bought ham steaks maybe a half dozen times.
> I don't think my wife has ever bought them. It is nothing dietary or
> religious. It is just that neither of us is really interested in ham,
> not when there are so many other good meats.
> That being said, I often buy smoked ham hocks that I use for soups.
We had roast pork last night which was smoked at a local restaurant
that has a very curious menu and is gaining a boatload of buzz, Arc. (
http://www.arcrestaurant.com )
It was smoked and it completely amazed us. I know have roast pork on
my "to learn" list.