Thread: blue moon
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Michael Odom
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Default blue moon

On Sun, 01 Aug 2004 19:40:48 GMT, sf > wrote:

>I admit I'm not a music fan of any sort, but I knew enough
>to lood up the lyrics to Blue Moon before I asked...
>I didn't see the lyric:
>"Without a care in my heart...Why did youy paint it Blue?"
>and still don't.
>Where is it?

Just guessing, here, but I'd say "Without a care in my heart" is a
variation on "Without a dream in my heart." Perhaps a misremembered
line? Still guessing, I'd hazard that "Why did you paint it blue?"
was a reference to my profession.

OBFood: Fig tarte:

or better:

OBBrowsers: I like Opera. Just installed it again on my notebook and
it runs very fast.

OBMoon: Waning gibbous now, so we can all act a little less lunatic
for a while.


"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore