Is anyone here *not* over-the-hill? {was: Cooking again:) Birthdaydinner.}
On 2013-12-10 12:37 PM, pltrgyst wrote:
> I'm 67 -- play tennis five days a week (3-4 hours each, including
> singles), bike twice a week (50-60 miles at a whack), play basketball,
> volleyball, softball, touch football, ride my motorcycles, race cars,
> out for music 2-3 times each week, lots of poker and reading. All the
> things I enjoy, I do.
> In retrospect, I think the ages from 40-50 were my peak physical years,
> but that's no reason to suddenly stop living.
I was never athletic but was always physically active. I retired almost
10 years ago at 53 and made a point of being physically active. I amped
things up after recovering from heart surgery. I take my dog for a 2
mile walk most days. In the nice weather I try to get out on my bicycle
for an hour or two. I took up kayaking last year and was out on paddles
with my club 2-3 days per week, two of those would be 5-6 hour paddles.
If the weather is not so good I go to the Y for a workout.