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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

Nope. I cannot appy the DIC (happy, Steve? LOL) dining minimum to
charity. Here's the email answer I received:

"You may not donate your dining minimum to a charitable organization.
There were several opportunities this year to donate towards the cost of
dinner/lunch for groups having events at the Club, however, those have
already been held and paid for. You will probably have the chance to do
this next year, so keep an eye on emails requesting contributions for
the Beaufort High School Football Banquet and the Lunch with Santa for
military children."

Okay, mea culpa! I admit I passed up those "opportunities" because the
way I read them I did NOT realize they would be applied against the
dining minimum. It sounded like they were just begging for more money
on top of money.

Now I'm wondering if the requests for the employee holiday gift fund
could have been applied towards the dining minimum. I found it rather
odd they were requesting money to give the island employees holiday
bonuses. Final talley, they'd collected over $75,000 so they could
split it and cut bonus checks for the landscapers (not that they take
care of our yards), security guards, the folks who work in accounting,
etc. Allegedly divided equally.

Were these out-of-pocket donations? Or could that have been deducted
from the dining minimum, too? I sent an email asking about it. I'm
waiting to hear back.
