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Kalmia Kalmia is offline
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Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

On Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:27:03 PM UTC-5, jmcquown wrote:
> On 12/11/2013 2:04 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> > On Wed, 11 Dec 2013 13:46:33 -0500, jmcquown wrote:

> >

> >> The problem with buying food from the Club and giving it to the food

> >> bank is I doubt they'd accept already cooked food in styrofoam to-go

> >> containers. Nor in freezer containers. They wouldn't take it because

> >> for all they knew the food could have been sitting in the trunk of my

> >> car for *days*. Thank you for the suggestion, but that wouldn't work.

> >

> > Not only is there a storage/contamination issue, but the USDA requires

> > at all food donated to food banks have an ingredient and allergen

> > statement (not that food intolerances and allergies are so

> > fashionable).

> >

> > -sw

> >

> Yeah... I don't get that as much information about the food from the
> Club as I get from commercial labelled products.
> The last time I was there I asked if I could take a look at the kitchen.
> At first the DRM (dining room manager) was all enthusiastic. I'm sure
> we can arrange that! Next thing I knew someone from the kitchen told me
> no. Liability insurance and all that. I can understand that. I'm not
> sure they've ever had anyone ask to see the kitchen before. <G>

They're just guarding that Kaiser stash.