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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

"Ophelia" > wrote in message

>>> Not only is there a storage/contamination issue, but the USDA requires
>>> at all food donated to food banks have an ingredient and allergen
>>> statement (not that food intolerances and allergies are so
>>> fashionable).
>>> -sw

> Logical I suppose, but I am sure some hungry folk would love it

In some places here, we are forbidden by law to give any food to homeless
people we see or even people begging and they say it is for their own
safety. People used to make up lots of sandwiches or bagged meals and drive
around handing them out. The theory was that the food could be in some way
tainted, perhaps even deliberately. And I would not put that past some
people either. Some get so angry when they see people begging that they
would actually harm them.

In some places they do make allowances and we can give them packaged food
that can not be tampered with. Like a can of beans.

And then there was that big to do when Hurricane Sandy hit. The lovely
mayor Bloomberg decided to control what the displaced people could eat!
Would not allow any food donations from citizens at all to the shelters.
People said they were not given enough to eat and in come cases they
actually saw food there but he had deemed it unsatisfactory to give out. He
would only allow things of a certain amount of calories, low fat, low or no
sugar, etc.

I don't know what the answer is. I can well see why they have rules. But
sometimes the rules don't make a lot of sense. It's stuff like this that
leads some people to dumpster dive. A practice that is likely even more
dangerous to their health in many ways. And then there are those who just
dumpster dive by choice. They are a different breed though.

We were driving by a man with a sign asking for help the other day. Most of
the time when I see these people they have the look of drug user or
alcoholic or just this is the way I make my living look to them. I often
see the same person in the same place day after day after day. But this man
did look to me like it was just a temporary thing. I often have groceries
in my van but I didn't that day. And the only food I had was a tiny
leftover package of Halloween candy. I told my mom she could give him that
out the window and she became furious with me. Said that would be a mean
thing to do. I was like... Okay then. Um, whatever. I'm sure if I were
starving, it wouldn't be my first choice of food but was still
fresh and it was in a sealed package!

I know better than to give such people money, even if it is a few coins.
Chances are great that they won't be using it for food or shelter or
anything else sensible. We did see a young man the week before in the same
spot and somebody gave him a banana. He looked very appreciative. I did
feel bad for him. He looked to be a minor and again I had a feeling that he
was legit. I did actually have food in there that day but it was way in the
back of the van and I had no way of getting to it.