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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Posts: 11,356
Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

"Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
.. .
> In article >,
> Ophelia > wrote:
>>"Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
>>> In article >,
>>> Ophelia > wrote:
>>>>Oh dear We have a National Minimum wage law set in law
>>> We have one too; it's $7.25/hour. However, companies like WalMart
>>> will hire twice as many people at 20 hours per week, so that they
>>> don't have to pay benefits (for example, paid time off, health
>>> insurance,
>>> retirement fund) to these part-time employees.

>> Makes you wonder why anyone will work there

> Lack of other opportunities. No skills, manufacturing jobs offshored.

OK. We have that here too with the huge number of immigrants in many places
and the dumbing down of education in many schools. Even many university
graduates can't find work any more The situation is not good.

Our situation is improving but the young are finding it very hard:

The jobless rate among under-25s is now 3.74 times the adult rate, up from
3.5 times the adult rate a year ago.

More than 950,000 young people are now unemployed and almost a third (30 per
cent) of them have been looking for work for more than a year. The latest
official monthly statistics will be published today.

Oh dear, I said I wouldn't do this Ok I am done)

Before anyone shouts at me it is all Cindy's fault))))
