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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 19:46:16 GMT, (Cindy Hamilton)

>In article >,
>Ophelia > wrote:
>>Oh dear We have a National Minimum wage law set in law
>We have one too; it's $7.25/hour. However, companies like WalMart
>will hire twice as many people at 20 hours per week, so that they
>don't have to pay benefits (for example, paid time off, health insurance,
>retirement fund) to these part-time employees.

You make is sound like the Walmart employment ad states: only those
who've undergone a frontal lobotomy need apply... if people are not
happy with the details of the job they are under no obligation
whatsoever to accept that employment or am I missing something?