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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >> We have one too; it's $7.25/hour. However, companies like WalMart
> >> will hire twice as many people at 20 hours per week, so that they
> >> don't have to pay benefits (for example, paid time off, health insurance,
> >> retirement fund) to these part-time employees.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but there's no law requiring private
companies to pay extra benefits for full time employees. Unionized
workers might get this but unions have also run many manufacturers
offshore. They were a good thing once but have since demanded too

People take the financial risk of starting a company in order to *make
money*, not to provide jobs for their neighbors. The govt. set pay
standards low with their minimum wage. All of these low paying jobs
will remain low as long as there are people willing to work for what's
offered. In most cases, you start out low but if you stick with the
company, show up on time, and work hard, you can move "up the ladder"
in pay.

I find it interesting how many here have singled out Walmart to
Do a google search for salary (store of your choice) and you'll see
that Walmart actually pays more per hour than KMart and Target....and
many other retail stores and fast food places. Real nice restaurants
often pay even less than minimum wage and let the customers make up
for it with tips.

Most construction companies don't automatically pay benefits. Most do
start out at a higher wage because there's a lot of physical work
involved. Stay with the company, develop a skill and you'll start
making more per hour. Be a valuable, reliable employee and they might
also add benefits just to keep you with them. There are no guarantees
in life.
