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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

"Janet" > wrote in message
> In article >, says...
>> I think taxes are higher in the UK but I don't know.

> True; but people in the UK working full time for minimum wage, pay
> very little income tax on it; all low-wage parents automatically qualify
> for a range of state child benefits and many also qualify for
> housing/rent subsidy. And all get full healthcare free at the point of
> delivery.
>> They also seem to
>> tolerate squatters. Or they used to.

> Rubbish

I said used to. My friend, his friend and some others did in fact squat for
several months in England and he said nobody bothered them or tried to kick
them out. Maybe they just got lucky.