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Cindy Hamilton[_3_] Cindy Hamilton[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 500
Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

In article >, Gary > wrote:
>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> >> We have one too; it's $7.25/hour. However, companies like WalMart
>> >> will hire twice as many people at 20 hours per week, so that they
>> >> don't have to pay benefits (for example, paid time off, health insurance,
>> >> retirement fund) to these part-time employees.

>Someone correct me if I'm wrong but there's no law requiring private
>companies to pay extra benefits for full time employees. Unionized
>workers might get this but unions have also run many manufacturers
>offshore. They were a good thing once but have since demanded too

Absolutely right. However, companies can have a policy of paying
generous benefits to full-time employees, yet somehow manage
not to have very many full-time employees.

>I find it interesting how many here have singled out Walmart to
>Do a google search for salary (store of your choice) and you'll see
>that Walmart actually pays more per hour than KMart and Target....and
>many other retail stores and fast food places. Real nice restaurants
>often pay even less than minimum wage and let the customers make up
>for it with tips.

You can thank the federal government for that. The federal
minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13.

Cindy Hamilton