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Janet Janet is offline
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Posts: 2,048
Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

In article >, says...

> >> I think taxes are higher in the UK but I don't know. They also seem to
> >> tolerate squatters. Or they used to.

> >
> > It has been illegal to squat in Scotland for a long time, and recently it
> > also became illegal in England

Not quite. You mean, In England, squatting in built property used to
be a civil offence. It moved from being a civil offence to a criminal

A civil offence does not imply tolerance.

> Ah, okay. The squatter I knew did it in the 80's.

and in the 80's, did the property owner tell you he tolerated your
squatter friend? Or is that a conclusion you jumped to on the somewhat
biased self-justification by one freeloading trespasser.

Janet UK