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Janet Janet is offline
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Posts: 2,048
Default Dining Minimum - Charities? Got the Scoop

In article >, says...

> So what do they do with the caught squatters there now? Let them squat
> in prison at taxpayer's expense? Just wondering.

A criminal squatter faces immediate police arrest, imprisonment for up
to 6 months or a fine of up to £5,000 (or both) and a criminal record.
In the UK, it's no casual matter to acquire a criminal record because it
goes on a national database, and a wide range of employers and jobs now
depend on a clean record from it.

However, the real advantage of squatting becoming a criminal offence,
is to the property owner. A criminal can be immediately removed by
police, arrested and prosecuted at no cost to the property owner. Unlike
civil proceedings which cost owners a lot of money and take a long time.

Janet UK